Before requesting an appointment with one of our clinicians, it may be worth looking at our self-referrals page to check if a surgery appointment is needed for the service you require.
How to make an appointment?
You can make an appointment by calling the practice:
- Russell Street Surgery – 0118 907 9976
- Burghfield Health Centre – 0118 907 9965
- Coley Park Surgery – 0118 907 9712
Your request will be assessed and assigned to the best person to help you with your concern.
You can make appointments in advance to help you plan ahead for things such as follow up consultations.
We offer a limited number of urgent appointments during morning and evening sessions for one urgent complaint only. These urgent appointments can only be booked on the day. Please contact us at 08:00 to request an appointment for the morning session and 14:00 for the afternoon session.
Please remember that an appointment is for one person only. If more than one member of the family needs to be seen please make separate appointments.
Emergencies and Telephone Access
In the case of a medical emergency, dial 999. For Urgent medical care, we offer same day appointments either face to face or by telephone.
We always try to fast track an emergency appointment on the same day, if none are available at the surgery you normally attend, you may be asked to attend one of our other surgeries.
Allied Health Professionals
It may be worth considering an appointment with one of our clinicians who are experienced and qualified to deal with many ailments and may have availability sooner.
Practice Nurses
In a number of cases it might be worth considering an appointment with a practice nurse rather than a doctor. Practice nurses are qualified to deal with many ailments and you may be seen more quickly.
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.
To cancel, you can:
- Complete our Cancel an Appointment form
- Visit our online services
- Telephone the practice